مشتاق احمد یوسفی کی تحریروں میں طنز و مزاح کی نفسیات

The Psychology of Satire and Humor in Mushtaq Ahmad Yousufi's Writings


  • Dr. Ali Raza Khan University of Karachi, Pakistan. Author


Mushtaq Ahmad Yousufi, Satire, Humor, Psychology, Social Commentary, Pakistani Literature, Identity, Cognitive Response


Mushtaq Ahmad Yousufi, one of Pakistan’s most celebrated writers, is renowned for his distinct use of satire and humor in his literary works. This article delves into the psychological aspects of his writings, examining how Yousufi uses humor not only as a means of entertainment but also as a medium for critique and reflection on social and cultural issues. By analyzing his various works, including Zarguzasht, Aab-e-Gum, and Shama-e-Fikr, we explore the role of irony, wit, and humor in addressing serious themes such as identity, politics, and societal norms. The article applies psychological theories of humor to uncover the deeper cognitive and emotional responses evoked by Yousufi's writing, shedding light on the therapeutic and cathartic effects of humor in confronting life's challenges. Through this analysis, we aim to highlight Yousufi's unique blend of humor and satire as an essential tool for social commentary.





