Journal Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism Check
At Nastaleeq (Research Journal), plagiarism is first checked using the software recommended by HEC Pakistan. Additionally, our editorial team conducts a manual review to ensure the originality of submissions. If plagiarism is identified by any member of the editorial/advisory board, reviewer, or staff at any stage of the publication process—whether before or after acceptance, during editing, or at the proofreading stage—the author(s) will be informed and asked to revise the content or properly cite the sources from which the material was taken.
HEC Pakistan has established a permissible similarity index of 19% as measured by Turnitin. If the similarity index exceeds 19% but remains below 25%, the manuscript will be returned to the author with a request to address the issue and resubmit the paper. However, if the similarity index is found to be greater than 25%, the manuscript may be rejected, and the author will be notified accordingly.
Plagiarism Undertaking
Authors are required to declare the originality of their work at the time of submission by completing a plagiarism undertaking form. This form, available at the provided link, confirms that the author has not plagiarized any material. If plagiarism is later detected, the author will bear full responsibility, and Nastaleeq (Research Journal) reserves the right to take appropriate action.
For submissions with multiple authors, the first or principal author will be held accountable for any plagiarism issues and is solely required to submit the signed and stamped plagiarism undertaking form at the time of manuscript submission.