اردو کی مزاحیہ شاعری: نظیر اکبر آبادی سے موجودہ دور تک

Urdu Comic Poetry: From Nazir Akbarabadi to the Present Day


  • Prof. Zafar Iqbal Department of Urdu Literature, University of Punjab Lahore, Pakistan Author


Urdu Poetry, Comic Poetry, Nazir Akbarabadi, Social Critique, Satire, Literary Evolution, Modern Urdu Poets, Humor in Literature, Cultural Commentary


The tradition of comic poetry in Urdu has a rich history that dates back centuries, with its roots deeply embedded in the social, cultural, and political landscapes of South Asia. This article explores the evolution of Urdu comic poetry from the renowned poet Nazir Akbarabadi to contemporary times. Nazir Akbarabadi, often considered the pioneer of humorous poetry in Urdu, laid the foundation for a unique style that blends wit, satire, and social commentary. The article examines the thematic progression, stylistic innovations, and cultural relevance of comic poetry, tracing its development through various literary periods, including classical, modern, and contemporary phases. The study highlights key poets such as Akbarabadi, Mirza Ghalib, Allama Iqbal, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, and more recent poets like Anwar Maqsood and Umera Ahmed, showcasing their contributions to the genre. Through an analysis of their works, this paper underscores how humor has been used as a tool for social critique, personal expression, and political commentary in Urdu poetry. It also delves into the shift in the style and language of comic poetry, reflecting the changing dynamics of Urdu literature and society. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the trajectory of Urdu comic poetry and its impact on the larger literary tradition.





